Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today's squ-eek was marked as spam for me!


  1. This squ-eek gets like thirty Dunns in terms of melting my heart, and only four Dunns for monkey hands.

  2. Mine was marked as spam, too! So was yesterday's! I was getting a little panicky, wondering where my Daily Squ-eeks were...

    Anyway, this is is gloriously adorable. Look at their little heart tails! Maybe a bit cheesy...but still so cute, because they are house mouses...

  3. I need to get a Valentine just so that I can send them this...

  4. I put this on Ten's facebook as a Valentine, with apologies for the lack of doilies in hopes that the creepy monkey feet will make up for it. He said it's "the sweetest creepy thing anyone's ever shown (him)" and I really wanted to say "except for my vagina, right?" but decided...facebook is too public for my fullblown creepiness. BUT IT WAS SUCH A GOOD COMEBACK. So I'm sharing it with you, House-Mouse/Roseanne/Ballyk blog.
